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Making your brand fit for the future (2020)

Over the last year, life and business have changed beyond recognition. Even after a vaccine has been rolled out, everyone will be rapidly recalibrating for a world that has gone through perhaps decades of change in less than a year. And it’s not over yet. We don’t know what the future holds – even predicting just months ahead is more difficult than ever. How can you realign your brand to the new world order – whatever it becomes?


Your organisation may have changed its focus to remain relevant in a changed landscape. Even if it hasn’t, it may be necessary to position your brand to be more agile, to demonstrate that you’re not only relevant but are ready to manage whatever happens next. Given how challenging life has been and is likely to remain, capturing energy, drive, positivity and future focus, to engage your own people and excite your target audiences, has never been more important. After years of talking about digital first, it finally is and social is no longer a discussion of maybe but how to get the very best out of it. Whether you’re one of the lucky few that have been more successful than ever through the pandemic, whether the last year has forced dramatic change or whether you’re in the squeezed middle, you need to reflect on your brand. So how do you reset, renew or regenerate your positioning, message and visual brand for a very different – and infinitely more fluid – today and tomorrow?

Read the publication here
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