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Bringing your brand to life (2020)

Defining your brand is one thing, but what about implementing it, living it and activating it? You know your brand needs to be more than just a set of guidelines, but bringing it to life in all the places it needs to work can be daunting. So where to start?

In implementing it, you’ll need to think about the different touchpoints and how to ensure those brand guidelines are actually followed. In living it you’ll need to think about what it means for your culture, how to get everyone on board and playing their part in bringing it to life. And in activating it you’ll need to think about how you get it out there to the audiences that matter – in a way that will resonate with them and truly reflect your brand.

In this Bright Talk we’ll reflect on the above issues and more. We’ll draw on our own experience and who else out there is doing a great job of bringing their brand to life, across different touchpoints and for a variety of audiences. We’ll look at what works and why, we’ll identify potential quick wins and we’ll provide our top tips for helping you make the most of your brand.

Read the publication here
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